AI Co-Pilot
Your Essential Tax Practice Assistant

AI Co-Pilot can change your practice for the better.
Over the past several years, artificial intelligence (AI) has shifted from a futuristic concept to a daily tool – and the tax and accounting industry is taking notice.

CountingWorks PRO's AI Co-Pilot is leading the charge of this evolution.

Our proprietary artificial intelligence system was developed to stay ahead of industry changes with real-time updates. AI Co-Pilot is trained daily on tax guides, research analyses, IRS publications, and more. This leads to highly accurate, dependable results tax and accounting experts can count on every day.

Benefits Exclusively for Tax Professionals

AI Co-Pilot is more than a tool—it's a virtual assistant that will optimize your workflow, freeing you up to focus on better serving your clients. By taking over various tasks, from client communication to complex tax research, AI Co-Pilot transforms hours of work into minutes. It's like having an army of staff at your fingertips, improving your productivity and efficiency.

Solving Industry Pain Points

The challenges of staying updated with tax laws, generating client-specific strategies, and managing a heavy workload are familiar to every tax professional. AI Co-Pilot directly addresses these pain points by providing a reliable, knowledge-rich resource capable of handling detailed tax research, analysis, and more. It keeps you ahead of the curve, delivering top-tier service to your clients while reducing your stress level.

What Sets AI Co-Pilot Apart

Unlike generic AI tools, AI Co-Pilot is trained daily with the latest tax code changes, rulings, and IRS updates. You can use our first-of-its-kind system to create new revenue streams for your practice, from personalized tax planning strategies for every client to detailed Virtual CFO analysis.

Common Use Cases

AI Co-Pilot can do nearly any task you give it, including:

Drafting precise, professional client letters.
Conducting in-depth tax research.
Creating customized tax planning strategies.
Analyzing financial statements with a critical eye.
Generating engaging marketing copy and insightful blog articles.

These use cases only scratch the surface of how AI Co-Pilot can transform the way tax professionals like you work, providing a competitive edge in an increasingly digital industry.

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AI Co-Pilot by CountingWorks PRO is not just a step into the future of tax and accounting—it's a leap into a world where efficiency, accuracy, and strategic insight come together to empower professionals like never before.

See It in Action

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Interface of the AI Co-Pilot tool by CountingWorks PRO. Get access to an extensive knowledge library of tax and accounting.