Everything You Need to Optimize Your Tax and Accounting Website for Referral Conversion

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Everything You Need to Optimize Your Tax and Accounting Website for Referral Conversion

In the tax and accounting profession, referrals are often the foundation on which firms are built. So crucial are word-of-mouth references that some professionals in this field even believe their online presence doesn’t matter. However, in reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Tax and accounting practices’ebsites wield massive influence on whether or not a referral becomes a paying client. 

Picture this: a lifelong client, deeply impressed by your practice, becomes not just a client but a vocal advocate, steering others your way. In today’s digital age, the first thing these people are likely to do is search for your website. The question is, what impression does the sitemake? Bad reviews, an unprofessional online presence—these are the silent red flags that can throttle your referral pipeline.

Your website is not merely a digital billboard – it's the handshake that shapes first impressions and the stage where referrals come to life. In the case of fully virtual firms, it also serves as your only storefront. If you're skeptical about the pivotal role your website plays in referrals, let's unravel the impact together.

The Anatomy of a Quality Tax or Accounting Website

#1. Responsive Design:

Your website serves as the initial touchpoint for a high percentage of potential clients – more and more people use the internet to learn about service providers in every field. It's crucial to optimize your site for mobile responsiveness, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience across various devices. 

A seamless and engaging website not only captures attention but also establishes credibility, playing a pivotal role in the client referral process. From logical navigation to imagery that tells a story, every element should contribute to showcasing your expertise and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression on visitors and enhancing your chances of converting referrals.

#2. Clear Value Proposition:

Tell potential clients the distinctive value your tax and accounting services offer compared to the competition. In other words, what sets you apart? Your website's homepage serves as the canvas where this unique value should be clearly articulated, immediately capturing the attention of prospects. 

From niche service offerings to client success stories, ensure that visitors gain a clear understanding of what distinguishes your practice from others. This clarity not only instills confidence but also acts as a catalyst in the client referral process, as prospects readily recognize the benefits your firm brings to the table.

#3. User-Friendly Navigation:

Streamline navigation to guide visitors effortlessly through your services, credentials, and contact information. An intuitive layout keeps prospects engaged and ensures they don’t bounce from your website quickly.

#4. Compelling Content:

Engage your audience with informative and relevant content. Blog posts, case studies, and resource pages showcase your expertise and establish trust. Your content should tell a story and take clients on a journey. You want every person who visits your website to come away feeling as though you’ve already solved at least one pain point they have. 

Make sure your brand’s story is clear and consistent throughout your site, from the homepage to your “About Us” page to every service page. Your brand voice matters!

#5. Interactive Features:

Incorporate interactive elements like calculators, quizzes, tax refund trackers, or appointment scheduling tools. These not only add value but also encourage user engagement.

#6 Consistent Web Presence:

75% of consumers expect a consistent experience across every channel they choose to engage.Consumers seamlessly navigate various channels throughout their journey to a purchase. They anticipate a seamless and cohesive experience, regardless of the device or channel they choose to engage with your company. The objective is to unite these diverse touchpoints, crafting a personalized and frictionless encounter that captivates the consumer—an accomplishment uniquely attainable through a robust omnichannel approach.

The Impact of Reviews and Testimonials

GettyImages: Chadchai Ra-Ngubpai

#1. Social Proof:

Positive reviews and testimonials build trust and credibility. Feature them prominently on your website to showcase the satisfaction of past clients. In many cases, prospects make the final decision to hire a tax professional after they’ve seen people just like them provide positive feedback.

According to HubSpot, user-generated content is "8.7 times more impactful than influencer content and 6.6 times more than branded content." With 87% of shoppers now beginning product searches online, the importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated.

#2. Diverse Testimonials:

Collect a variety of testimonials from different clients, showcasing the diversity of industries and needs your practice caters to. Remember, though, niching down is a great way to increase your revenue and develop a loyal client base, so toe the line between too narrow and too broad in regard to your service offerings.

#3. Video Testimonials:

Leverage the power of video testimonials. They add a personal touch, allowing prospects to connect with the faces behind the positive experiences. In addition, video tends to keep people on your website longer, and length of session time is a Google ranking factor.

What Prospects Look For

#1. Relevant Credentials:

Display your certifications, affiliations, and industry recognition prominently. This builds confidence in your expertise.

#2. Transparency:

Be transparent about your pricing, process, and the team behind your practice. Clarity eliminates uncertainty and fosters trust. Many modern tax professionals are going to package pricing, allowing clients to know exactly what services they will receive – and how much they will be billed – upfront.

#3. Case Studies:

As noted, showcasing successful case studies to demonstrate real-world applications of your various tax and accounting services is a great idea This provides tangible evidence of your expertise, and can have a major impact on prospects who may be on the fence.

Establishing Trust Through Thought Leadership

#1. Educational Content:

Position yourself as an industry thought leader by consistently producing educational content. This not only attracts prospects but also elevates your credibility in whatever niche you choose.

#2. Webinars and Workshops:

Host webinars or workshops to share your expertise. Live events provide a platform for engagement and allow prospects to interact with you directly.

#3. Community Involvement:

Actively participate in industry forums, contribute to community events, and engage with your audience on social media. A visible presence builds trust.

Strategies for More Referrals

#1. Referral Programs:

Create referral programs that incentivize existing clients to refer to business. Offer discounts, exclusive resources, or other perks as a token of appreciation.

#2. Client Appreciation Events:

Host events or webinars to appreciate existing clients. A satisfied client is more likely to refer others when they feel valued.

#3. Networking:

Attend industry events, join professional associations, and actively network. Building relationships in your community increases the likelihood of referrals.

The bridge between referrals and conversions is your website. Develop a virtual space that not only captures the essence of your practice but also resonates with the needs and expectations of your prospects. Leverage the impact of reviews, showcase your expertise through thought leadership, and implement strategies to attract and convert referrals effectively. Your online presence is the gateway to transforming leads into loyal clients, solidifying your position as a trusted tax and accounting professional.

Supercharge your referral engine with CountingWorkPRO! Unlock the power of streamlined workflows, client satisfaction, and a stellar online presence. Elevate your accounting game and watch as referrals soar. Try CountingWorkPRO today and revolutionize your path to success.


Everything You Need to Optimize Your Tax and Accounting Website for Referral Conversion

In the tax and accounting profession, referrals are often the foundation on which firms are built. So crucial are word-of-mouth references that some professionals in this field even believe their online presence doesn’t matter. However, in reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Tax and accounting practices’ebsites wield massive influence on whether or not a referral becomes a paying client. 

Picture this: a lifelong client, deeply impressed by your practice, becomes not just a client but a vocal advocate, steering others your way. In today’s digital age, the first thing these people are likely to do is search for your website. The question is, what impression does the sitemake? Bad reviews, an unprofessional online presence—these are the silent red flags that can throttle your referral pipeline.

Your website is not merely a digital billboard – it's the handshake that shapes first impressions and the stage where referrals come to life. In the case of fully virtual firms, it also serves as your only storefront. If you're skeptical about the pivotal role your website plays in referrals, let's unravel the impact together.

The Anatomy of a Quality Tax or Accounting Website

#1. Responsive Design:

Your website serves as the initial touchpoint for a high percentage of potential clients – more and more people use the internet to learn about service providers in every field. It's crucial to optimize your site for mobile responsiveness, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience across various devices. 

A seamless and engaging website not only captures attention but also establishes credibility, playing a pivotal role in the client referral process. From logical navigation to imagery that tells a story, every element should contribute to showcasing your expertise and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression on visitors and enhancing your chances of converting referrals.

#2. Clear Value Proposition:

Tell potential clients the distinctive value your tax and accounting services offer compared to the competition. In other words, what sets you apart? Your website's homepage serves as the canvas where this unique value should be clearly articulated, immediately capturing the attention of prospects. 

From niche service offerings to client success stories, ensure that visitors gain a clear understanding of what distinguishes your practice from others. This clarity not only instills confidence but also acts as a catalyst in the client referral process, as prospects readily recognize the benefits your firm brings to the table.

#3. User-Friendly Navigation:

Streamline navigation to guide visitors effortlessly through your services, credentials, and contact information. An intuitive layout keeps prospects engaged and ensures they don’t bounce from your website quickly.

#4. Compelling Content:

Engage your audience with informative and relevant content. Blog posts, case studies, and resource pages showcase your expertise and establish trust. Your content should tell a story and take clients on a journey. You want every person who visits your website to come away feeling as though you’ve already solved at least one pain point they have. 

Make sure your brand’s story is clear and consistent throughout your site, from the homepage to your “About Us” page to every service page. Your brand voice matters!

#5. Interactive Features:

Incorporate interactive elements like calculators, quizzes, tax refund trackers, or appointment scheduling tools. These not only add value but also encourage user engagement.

#6 Consistent Web Presence:

75% of consumers expect a consistent experience across every channel they choose to engage.Consumers seamlessly navigate various channels throughout their journey to a purchase. They anticipate a seamless and cohesive experience, regardless of the device or channel they choose to engage with your company. The objective is to unite these diverse touchpoints, crafting a personalized and frictionless encounter that captivates the consumer—an accomplishment uniquely attainable through a robust omnichannel approach.

The Impact of Reviews and Testimonials

GettyImages: Chadchai Ra-Ngubpai

#1. Social Proof:

Positive reviews and testimonials build trust and credibility. Feature them prominently on your website to showcase the satisfaction of past clients. In many cases, prospects make the final decision to hire a tax professional after they’ve seen people just like them provide positive feedback.

According to HubSpot, user-generated content is "8.7 times more impactful than influencer content and 6.6 times more than branded content." With 87% of shoppers now beginning product searches online, the importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated.

#2. Diverse Testimonials:

Collect a variety of testimonials from different clients, showcasing the diversity of industries and needs your practice caters to. Remember, though, niching down is a great way to increase your revenue and develop a loyal client base, so toe the line between too narrow and too broad in regard to your service offerings.

#3. Video Testimonials:

Leverage the power of video testimonials. They add a personal touch, allowing prospects to connect with the faces behind the positive experiences. In addition, video tends to keep people on your website longer, and length of session time is a Google ranking factor.

What Prospects Look For

#1. Relevant Credentials:

Display your certifications, affiliations, and industry recognition prominently. This builds confidence in your expertise.

#2. Transparency:

Be transparent about your pricing, process, and the team behind your practice. Clarity eliminates uncertainty and fosters trust. Many modern tax professionals are going to package pricing, allowing clients to know exactly what services they will receive – and how much they will be billed – upfront.

#3. Case Studies:

As noted, showcasing successful case studies to demonstrate real-world applications of your various tax and accounting services is a great idea This provides tangible evidence of your expertise, and can have a major impact on prospects who may be on the fence.

Establishing Trust Through Thought Leadership

#1. Educational Content:

Position yourself as an industry thought leader by consistently producing educational content. This not only attracts prospects but also elevates your credibility in whatever niche you choose.

#2. Webinars and Workshops:

Host webinars or workshops to share your expertise. Live events provide a platform for engagement and allow prospects to interact with you directly.

#3. Community Involvement:

Actively participate in industry forums, contribute to community events, and engage with your audience on social media. A visible presence builds trust.

Strategies for More Referrals

#1. Referral Programs:

Create referral programs that incentivize existing clients to refer to business. Offer discounts, exclusive resources, or other perks as a token of appreciation.

#2. Client Appreciation Events:

Host events or webinars to appreciate existing clients. A satisfied client is more likely to refer others when they feel valued.

#3. Networking:

Attend industry events, join professional associations, and actively network. Building relationships in your community increases the likelihood of referrals.

The bridge between referrals and conversions is your website. Develop a virtual space that not only captures the essence of your practice but also resonates with the needs and expectations of your prospects. Leverage the impact of reviews, showcase your expertise through thought leadership, and implement strategies to attract and convert referrals effectively. Your online presence is the gateway to transforming leads into loyal clients, solidifying your position as a trusted tax and accounting professional.

Supercharge your referral engine with CountingWorkPRO! Unlock the power of streamlined workflows, client satisfaction, and a stellar online presence. Elevate your accounting game and watch as referrals soar. Try CountingWorkPRO today and revolutionize your path to success.

Practice Marketing

Everything You Need to Optimize Your Tax and Accounting Website for Referral Conversion

Friday, December 22, 2023

April 29, 2024
min read
Lee Reams
CEO | CountingWorks PRO

In the tax and accounting profession, referrals are often the foundation on which firms are built. So crucial are word-of-mouth references that some professionals in this field even believe their online presence doesn’t matter. However, in reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Tax and accounting practices’ebsites wield massive influence on whether or not a referral becomes a paying client. 

Picture this: a lifelong client, deeply impressed by your practice, becomes not just a client but a vocal advocate, steering others your way. In today’s digital age, the first thing these people are likely to do is search for your website. The question is, what impression does the sitemake? Bad reviews, an unprofessional online presence—these are the silent red flags that can throttle your referral pipeline.

Your website is not merely a digital billboard – it's the handshake that shapes first impressions and the stage where referrals come to life. In the case of fully virtual firms, it also serves as your only storefront. If you're skeptical about the pivotal role your website plays in referrals, let's unravel the impact together.

The Anatomy of a Quality Tax or Accounting Website

#1. Responsive Design:

Your website serves as the initial touchpoint for a high percentage of potential clients – more and more people use the internet to learn about service providers in every field. It's crucial to optimize your site for mobile responsiveness, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience across various devices. 

A seamless and engaging website not only captures attention but also establishes credibility, playing a pivotal role in the client referral process. From logical navigation to imagery that tells a story, every element should contribute to showcasing your expertise and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression on visitors and enhancing your chances of converting referrals.

#2. Clear Value Proposition:

Tell potential clients the distinctive value your tax and accounting services offer compared to the competition. In other words, what sets you apart? Your website's homepage serves as the canvas where this unique value should be clearly articulated, immediately capturing the attention of prospects. 

From niche service offerings to client success stories, ensure that visitors gain a clear understanding of what distinguishes your practice from others. This clarity not only instills confidence but also acts as a catalyst in the client referral process, as prospects readily recognize the benefits your firm brings to the table.

#3. User-Friendly Navigation:

Streamline navigation to guide visitors effortlessly through your services, credentials, and contact information. An intuitive layout keeps prospects engaged and ensures they don’t bounce from your website quickly.

#4. Compelling Content:

Engage your audience with informative and relevant content. Blog posts, case studies, and resource pages showcase your expertise and establish trust. Your content should tell a story and take clients on a journey. You want every person who visits your website to come away feeling as though you’ve already solved at least one pain point they have. 

Make sure your brand’s story is clear and consistent throughout your site, from the homepage to your “About Us” page to every service page. Your brand voice matters!

#5. Interactive Features:

Incorporate interactive elements like calculators, quizzes, tax refund trackers, or appointment scheduling tools. These not only add value but also encourage user engagement.

#6 Consistent Web Presence:

75% of consumers expect a consistent experience across every channel they choose to engage.Consumers seamlessly navigate various channels throughout their journey to a purchase. They anticipate a seamless and cohesive experience, regardless of the device or channel they choose to engage with your company. The objective is to unite these diverse touchpoints, crafting a personalized and frictionless encounter that captivates the consumer—an accomplishment uniquely attainable through a robust omnichannel approach.

The Impact of Reviews and Testimonials

GettyImages: Chadchai Ra-Ngubpai

#1. Social Proof:

Positive reviews and testimonials build trust and credibility. Feature them prominently on your website to showcase the satisfaction of past clients. In many cases, prospects make the final decision to hire a tax professional after they’ve seen people just like them provide positive feedback.

According to HubSpot, user-generated content is "8.7 times more impactful than influencer content and 6.6 times more than branded content." With 87% of shoppers now beginning product searches online, the importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated.

#2. Diverse Testimonials:

Collect a variety of testimonials from different clients, showcasing the diversity of industries and needs your practice caters to. Remember, though, niching down is a great way to increase your revenue and develop a loyal client base, so toe the line between too narrow and too broad in regard to your service offerings.

#3. Video Testimonials:

Leverage the power of video testimonials. They add a personal touch, allowing prospects to connect with the faces behind the positive experiences. In addition, video tends to keep people on your website longer, and length of session time is a Google ranking factor.

What Prospects Look For

#1. Relevant Credentials:

Display your certifications, affiliations, and industry recognition prominently. This builds confidence in your expertise.

#2. Transparency:

Be transparent about your pricing, process, and the team behind your practice. Clarity eliminates uncertainty and fosters trust. Many modern tax professionals are going to package pricing, allowing clients to know exactly what services they will receive – and how much they will be billed – upfront.

#3. Case Studies:

As noted, showcasing successful case studies to demonstrate real-world applications of your various tax and accounting services is a great idea This provides tangible evidence of your expertise, and can have a major impact on prospects who may be on the fence.

Establishing Trust Through Thought Leadership

#1. Educational Content:

Position yourself as an industry thought leader by consistently producing educational content. This not only attracts prospects but also elevates your credibility in whatever niche you choose.

#2. Webinars and Workshops:

Host webinars or workshops to share your expertise. Live events provide a platform for engagement and allow prospects to interact with you directly.

#3. Community Involvement:

Actively participate in industry forums, contribute to community events, and engage with your audience on social media. A visible presence builds trust.

Strategies for More Referrals

#1. Referral Programs:

Create referral programs that incentivize existing clients to refer to business. Offer discounts, exclusive resources, or other perks as a token of appreciation.

#2. Client Appreciation Events:

Host events or webinars to appreciate existing clients. A satisfied client is more likely to refer others when they feel valued.

#3. Networking:

Attend industry events, join professional associations, and actively network. Building relationships in your community increases the likelihood of referrals.

The bridge between referrals and conversions is your website. Develop a virtual space that not only captures the essence of your practice but also resonates with the needs and expectations of your prospects. Leverage the impact of reviews, showcase your expertise through thought leadership, and implement strategies to attract and convert referrals effectively. Your online presence is the gateway to transforming leads into loyal clients, solidifying your position as a trusted tax and accounting professional.

Supercharge your referral engine with CountingWorkPRO! Unlock the power of streamlined workflows, client satisfaction, and a stellar online presence. Elevate your accounting game and watch as referrals soar. Try CountingWorkPRO today and revolutionize your path to success.

Practice Marketing

Everything You Need to Optimize Your Tax and Accounting Website for Referral Conversion

April 29, 2024
min read
Lee Reams
CEO | CountingWorks PRO

In the tax and accounting profession, referrals are often the foundation on which firms are built. So crucial are word-of-mouth references that some professionals in this field even believe their online presence doesn’t matter. However, in reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Tax and accounting practices’ebsites wield massive influence on whether or not a referral becomes a paying client. 

Picture this: a lifelong client, deeply impressed by your practice, becomes not just a client but a vocal advocate, steering others your way. In today’s digital age, the first thing these people are likely to do is search for your website. The question is, what impression does the sitemake? Bad reviews, an unprofessional online presence—these are the silent red flags that can throttle your referral pipeline.

Your website is not merely a digital billboard – it's the handshake that shapes first impressions and the stage where referrals come to life. In the case of fully virtual firms, it also serves as your only storefront. If you're skeptical about the pivotal role your website plays in referrals, let's unravel the impact together.

The Anatomy of a Quality Tax or Accounting Website

#1. Responsive Design:

Your website serves as the initial touchpoint for a high percentage of potential clients – more and more people use the internet to learn about service providers in every field. It's crucial to optimize your site for mobile responsiveness, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience across various devices. 

A seamless and engaging website not only captures attention but also establishes credibility, playing a pivotal role in the client referral process. From logical navigation to imagery that tells a story, every element should contribute to showcasing your expertise and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression on visitors and enhancing your chances of converting referrals.

#2. Clear Value Proposition:

Tell potential clients the distinctive value your tax and accounting services offer compared to the competition. In other words, what sets you apart? Your website's homepage serves as the canvas where this unique value should be clearly articulated, immediately capturing the attention of prospects. 

From niche service offerings to client success stories, ensure that visitors gain a clear understanding of what distinguishes your practice from others. This clarity not only instills confidence but also acts as a catalyst in the client referral process, as prospects readily recognize the benefits your firm brings to the table.

#3. User-Friendly Navigation:

Streamline navigation to guide visitors effortlessly through your services, credentials, and contact information. An intuitive layout keeps prospects engaged and ensures they don’t bounce from your website quickly.

#4. Compelling Content:

Engage your audience with informative and relevant content. Blog posts, case studies, and resource pages showcase your expertise and establish trust. Your content should tell a story and take clients on a journey. You want every person who visits your website to come away feeling as though you’ve already solved at least one pain point they have. 

Make sure your brand’s story is clear and consistent throughout your site, from the homepage to your “About Us” page to every service page. Your brand voice matters!

#5. Interactive Features:

Incorporate interactive elements like calculators, quizzes, tax refund trackers, or appointment scheduling tools. These not only add value but also encourage user engagement.

#6 Consistent Web Presence:

75% of consumers expect a consistent experience across every channel they choose to engage.Consumers seamlessly navigate various channels throughout their journey to a purchase. They anticipate a seamless and cohesive experience, regardless of the device or channel they choose to engage with your company. The objective is to unite these diverse touchpoints, crafting a personalized and frictionless encounter that captivates the consumer—an accomplishment uniquely attainable through a robust omnichannel approach.

The Impact of Reviews and Testimonials

GettyImages: Chadchai Ra-Ngubpai

#1. Social Proof:

Positive reviews and testimonials build trust and credibility. Feature them prominently on your website to showcase the satisfaction of past clients. In many cases, prospects make the final decision to hire a tax professional after they’ve seen people just like them provide positive feedback.

According to HubSpot, user-generated content is "8.7 times more impactful than influencer content and 6.6 times more than branded content." With 87% of shoppers now beginning product searches online, the importance of a strong online presence cannot be overstated.

#2. Diverse Testimonials:

Collect a variety of testimonials from different clients, showcasing the diversity of industries and needs your practice caters to. Remember, though, niching down is a great way to increase your revenue and develop a loyal client base, so toe the line between too narrow and too broad in regard to your service offerings.

#3. Video Testimonials:

Leverage the power of video testimonials. They add a personal touch, allowing prospects to connect with the faces behind the positive experiences. In addition, video tends to keep people on your website longer, and length of session time is a Google ranking factor.

What Prospects Look For

#1. Relevant Credentials:

Display your certifications, affiliations, and industry recognition prominently. This builds confidence in your expertise.

#2. Transparency:

Be transparent about your pricing, process, and the team behind your practice. Clarity eliminates uncertainty and fosters trust. Many modern tax professionals are going to package pricing, allowing clients to know exactly what services they will receive – and how much they will be billed – upfront.

#3. Case Studies:

As noted, showcasing successful case studies to demonstrate real-world applications of your various tax and accounting services is a great idea This provides tangible evidence of your expertise, and can have a major impact on prospects who may be on the fence.

Establishing Trust Through Thought Leadership

#1. Educational Content:

Position yourself as an industry thought leader by consistently producing educational content. This not only attracts prospects but also elevates your credibility in whatever niche you choose.

#2. Webinars and Workshops:

Host webinars or workshops to share your expertise. Live events provide a platform for engagement and allow prospects to interact with you directly.

#3. Community Involvement:

Actively participate in industry forums, contribute to community events, and engage with your audience on social media. A visible presence builds trust.

Strategies for More Referrals

#1. Referral Programs:

Create referral programs that incentivize existing clients to refer to business. Offer discounts, exclusive resources, or other perks as a token of appreciation.

#2. Client Appreciation Events:

Host events or webinars to appreciate existing clients. A satisfied client is more likely to refer others when they feel valued.

#3. Networking:

Attend industry events, join professional associations, and actively network. Building relationships in your community increases the likelihood of referrals.

The bridge between referrals and conversions is your website. Develop a virtual space that not only captures the essence of your practice but also resonates with the needs and expectations of your prospects. Leverage the impact of reviews, showcase your expertise through thought leadership, and implement strategies to attract and convert referrals effectively. Your online presence is the gateway to transforming leads into loyal clients, solidifying your position as a trusted tax and accounting professional.

Supercharge your referral engine with CountingWorkPRO! Unlock the power of streamlined workflows, client satisfaction, and a stellar online presence. Elevate your accounting game and watch as referrals soar. Try CountingWorkPRO today and revolutionize your path to success.

Lee Reams
CEO | CountingWorks PRO

As the founder and CEO of CountingWorks, Inc, Lee is passionate about helping independent tax and accounting professionals compete in the modern age. From time-saving digital onboarding tools, world-class websites, and outbound marketing campaigns, Lee has been developing best-in-class marketing solutions for over twenty years.

Lee Reams
CEO | CountingWorks PRO

As the founder and CEO of CountingWorks, Inc, Lee is passionate about helping independent tax and accounting professionals compete in the modern age. From time-saving digital onboarding tools, world-class websites, and outbound marketing campaigns, lee has been developing best-in-class marketing solutions for over twenty years.

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