Building & Growing an Accounting & Tax Firm has Changed

We are in the midst of a once-in-a-century shift with how prospects and clients learn, research, and interact with accounting firms and tax advisors.

From remote work to digital transformation, the world as we know it is different. And no one is feeling this shift more than tax and accounting firms.

Companies like Pilot are not just trends—they are the new reality, offering a fully digitized client experience from first client touch to long lasting relationships and referrals. 

And while most firms are busier than ever, it's not all good. All the busy work is taking you away from the most meaningful client relationships (that also pay good money).

So what ends up happening? You have no time for the work that matters the most: delivering world-class client services, expanding margins, and building a more profitable (less busy) firm.

In the meantime, the referral model has rapidly changed.

Clients are continually being referred to competitors for services they don't know you offer—in fact advisors usually lose out on about 80% of referrals because their clients can’t properly articulate the services their advisors offer.

This leaves an opportunity for smaller, more agile firms that want to build a fully digital practice that actually scales—no additional headcount required.

We've built the first Digital Front Office for Accounting & Tax professionals. It enables them to digitize their entire front office for prospects and clients while improving their client relationships and profitability.

We're building the First Digital Front Office for Accounting & Tax Professionals.

Save big with
CountingWorks PRO

See how our all-in-one, fixed price Digital Front Office replaces a bunch of apps and services such as content creation, email marketing, website design, real-time client communication, to-do lists, payments, and more.

Referrals happen in places you no longer control

Accountants and CPAs are proud to be built entirely on referrals and for good reason. But this model has shifted in the new digital-centric world.

Your prospects and clients are online asking their peers for advice via Slack, LinkedIn, industry websites, and communities. Then they’re doing research on Google and verifying expertise with social proof and online referrals.

This has created a word of mouth and referral system at scale that has never existed before. They no longer receive one or two referrals—they get recommendations for dozens of highly specialized experts—and do research before you even know they exist.

CountingWorks helps you take advantage of this new scalable word of mouth engine with an engaging and mobile friendly website, content that ranks, and social media postings—without you having to lift a finger.

Your client experience is more important than anything else

Creating and maintaining a digital client experience is an "always on" activity. Clients want to feel like they're getting one-on-one attention from their accountant and tax professional with fast response times and attentive service.

Get this right and you'll win more referrals, get more time back in your day, and grow profits—get it wrong and you'll continually be fighting to find new clients.

But you can’t always provide clients with that service if you are bogged down by client intake and excess going back and forth. Cue: automated client intake and ClientHub that helps you streamline communications from one centralized location.

Clients no longer buy your time— they buy the value you create.

The most profitable, modern, and innovative firms have freed themselves from the billable hour. This change is no longer optional, it’s inevitable and it’s currently a massive competitive advantage that moves your firm from commodity pricing to increasing revenue.

When you charge by the hour you put your growth at odds with your clients. Your core growth comes from spending as much time as possible on each client to maximize billable hours while clients want the fastest and most efficient solutions. You’re selling time when you should be selling your value. 

With CountingWorks, accelerate your transition toward a lucrative recurring revenue model with proposal and payment tools that enable firms to offer different packages and anchor pricing to build a more profitable firm.

Expertise is your firm's most valuable (and least visible) asset.

Your expertise is how you build relationships with your best clients and prospects at scale, and yet most fail to effectively communicate it. In fact, most professionals devote boundless energy into developing deep expertise but invest little time learning how to showcase its true value. So referrals never expand beyond your existing services and client network.

Turning expertise into content for client marketing builds better relationships with existing clients who become better at understanding and articulating everything your firm has to offer—while targeting prospects who fit the picture of what your ideal (and highest paying) clients will look like.

We take client marketing completely off your plate by writing content for you based on what you offer and who you serve. We then distribute that content with an automated client newsletter and social media posts,, powerful custom blogging tools, and coaching in the niche.

The First Digital Front Office for Accounting & Tax Firms

We’re on a mission to turn accounting and tax professionals into super humans.

Imagine a world where you can automate your marketing to find higher paying clients, create a client experience that expands margins, and get rid of all the busy work that comes with growth and client back and forth.

With the first Digital Front Office you now have this power.

The firms who embrace and harness the digital firm will become more productive, spend more time doing high-value work and drive better results. Welcome to a digital native accounting firm.

CountingWorks is Your Digital Front Office

CountingWorks PRO is Your Digital Front Office 

Transform the way you find clients, work with clients, and get everything you need to get client work done.

Convert More Clients

Grow your customer base by modernizing your online presence and automating content creation.

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Deliver More Client Value

Guide your clients from first email to long-term high-value relationship.

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Support Clients at Scale

Manage all your clients more efficiently, increasing your team's capacity.

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Build, grow, and run your firm with CountingWorks PRO

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